Pertemuan Ilmiah Tahunan Ilmu Kesehatan Anak (PIT-IKA) X Manado 2019

The 10th Annual Scientific Meeting of Indonesian Pediatric Society 

Pertemuan Ilmiah Tahunan - Ilmu Kesehatan Anak (PIT - IKA) 2019

in conjunction with 

The 15th Congress of Asian Society for Pediatric Research (ASPR)

"Strengthening Asia's Research Collaboration for Global Child Health"

07-08, 09-11 September 2019

Venue: Grand Kawanua Convention Center (GKCC), Grand Kawanua International City, Manado, Indonesia 


The upcoming 10th Annual Scientific Meeting of Indonesian Pediatric Society (PIT IKA X 2019) & 15th Congress of Asian Society of Pediatric Research (ASPR) will be set in Manado, North Sulawesi on 07-08, 09-11 September 2019. The PIT IKA X Manado 2019 is your opportunity to influence your specialty and promote the art and science of child health, raising awareness amongst doctors, scientists and other allied healthcare professionals in this exciting field. We aim to provide plenty of opportunities to interact and network with each other for the mutual collaboration in this prestigious event.


More info:

Secretariat PIT IKA X Manado 2019     : (0431) 821652

Indonesian Pediatric Society (IDAI-PP): (021) 3148610

Website :




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